Indigenous Chicken

Indigenous chicken farming in Kenya has witnessed significant advancements through the initiatives of the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO). KALRO has played a pivotal role in promoting sustainable and improved practices for rearing indigenous chicken breeds. Recognizing the importance of indigenous chickens in rural economies, KALRO focuses on enhancing their productivity, disease resistance, and overall well-being.

Through research and development programs, KALRO has introduced improved indigenous chicken breeds that exhibit traits such as higher egg production, better resistance to diseases, and adaptability to local environmental conditions. Additionally, KALRO provides training to farmers on improved management practices, feeding regimes, and disease control measures to optimize indigenous chicken farming.

The collaboration between KALRO and indigenous chicken farmers underscores a commitment to empowering local communities, enhancing food security, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. This partnership contributes to the resilience and prosperity of smallholder farmers engaged in indigenous chicken farming across Kenya.


16 December 2023




Agri. News


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