1.1. Project objective
The project aims to build smallholder coffee farmer’s capacity for enhanced climate change resilience, improved production, market participation and value addition. This will be achieved through training of TOTs, Agronomists, agripreneurs and County Extension staff on climate smart TIMPs
1.2. Targeted Counties
The project targets to reach out to fifteen (15) Counties in Kenya namely; Muranga, Nyeri, Embu, Kirinyaga, Meru, Homa Bay, Kericho, Kiambu, Kisii, Uasin Gishu, Nandi, Machakos, Nyamira, Tharaka Nithi and Bungoma.
1.3. Project Justification
The coffee sub-sector in Kenya supports 1.5 million households, creates employment and a source of foreign exchange. The national coffee production declined from 108 MT in 1990s to 36.9 MT in 2019/20. Overall national sales from the sector dropped from USD218.3 million in 2013/14 to USD156 in 2019/20 hence need to come up with interventions to reverse the trend. The NAVCDP project targets to improve production, market participation and value addition hence farmer incomes and enhanced livelihoods within the targeted coffee farming communities.
1.4. Project outputs
i. Stakeholder consultation reports
ii. Updated coffee value chain TIMPS
iii. Coffee training materials (manuals, posters, curriculum and Brochures)
iv. TOTs trained
v. Training reports
vi. Backstopping reports
Success Stories
Coffee revitalization program (CRP) was a project housed within the Kenya Climate-Smart Agriculture project (KCSAP). The program aimed at strengthening research and extension linkages in order to increase coffee production and profitability of targeted rural smallholder coffee farmers in selected eight pilot areas namely; Kirinyaga, Murang’a, Nyeri, Meru, Tharaka Nithi, Embu, Machakos and Kiambu counties. This will equip extension staff with knowledge and skills for supporting lead farmers for increased productivity of coffee.
Group photo of KALRO staff and lead farmers at the Kenya school of Agriculture, Nyeri photo by Ann Wangui/CRI
Scientists from KALRO-CRI built capacity by training a total of 121 Training of trainers (TOTs) on climate-smart technologies, innovations and management practices (TIMPS) in the coffee value chain. Of these, 81 were County agricultural extension officers and 40 farmer TOTs. The TOTs were to train 1,100 lead farmers who are to further empower farmers and up-scale the adoption of the best agricultural practices through farmer clusters. Each lead farmer was to have three (3) clusters of 30 farmers each in a village. Dr. E. Kireger, KALRO Director General during his speech, stated that the partnership between the KALRO-CRI and KCSAP is reinforced by support from the Kenya National government as well as the World Bank. Through it KALRO-CRI will be facilitated to meet it mandate on aligning with coffee production such as expediting equitable access to research information, resources and technology as well as promotion of application of research findings and developed technologies in the field of agriculture and livestock. That promotes, streamline, coordinate and regulate research in crops, livestock, genetic resources, biotechnology and animal.
The program have raised renewed interest in coffee farming within the participating counties and is expected to raise production from the average of 2killograms per tree thus significantly increasing the national coffee production.
Implementing Institution
- National Government
- County Governments
- Cooperative Societies
- Coffee Directorate
- New KPCU
- Nairobi coffee Exchange
- Coffee Farmers
Master Trainers
- Emmanuel Kimeu- Senior Research Scientist, Extensionist- CRI
- James Maina Minai- Senior Research Scientist, Agricultural Economist- CRI
- Jonathan Luusa - Senior Research Scientist, Extensionist- CRI
- James Gimase- Chief Research Scientist, Plant Breeder-CRI
- Lucy Muriithi- Senior Research Scientist, Agricultural Economist- CRI
- Cecilia Kathurima- Chief Research Scientist, Quality Chemist-CRI
Mr. Elijah Kikuvi – Research Scientist - Extensionist- CRI