Potato is both a cash and food nutrition security crop in Kenya. It has potential to contribute to national food and nutritional security and income and is currently produced in thirteen major Counties. Potato value chain is among the five priority value chains identified to drive agricultural transformation and inclusive growth under the food security pillar of the Government’s Bottom up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA). Further, value chainprojects have been rationalized in line with several national and international guiding policies including; (i) KALRO Strategic Plan 2022-2027 under Result Area 2 on knowledge, information and technologies on agricultural products value chains research collated, stored and shared; (ii) addresses six of the ten strategic issues of the National Potato Strategy (2021-2025); (iii) anchored on three flagship projects on increasing agricultural output, value addition and household food resilience under the Agriculture Sector Transformation and Growth Strategy (ASTGS) 2019-2029; (iv) Food Security and Value Addition Agenda of the Economic Pillar of Vision 2030; (v) Aspiration 1 on inclusive growth and sustainable development of AU 2063 Agenda and; (vi)Touches on 11 out 17 of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)
- Rooted apical cutting
- Conservation agriculture
- Integrated soil fertility
- Potato diseases (bacterial wilt & late blight)
- PCN (Potato Cyst Nematode)
- Potato mechanization
- Potato pests -Aphids and Tuber Moth
- Guidelines on production of ware potato
- Certified seed production
- Potato value addition recipes (crisps, starch)
- Simple Seed Potato Storage Structure
- Simple Ware Potato Storage Structure
- How to Plan a Potato Ware Business
- How to Plan a Seed Potato Business
Master Trainers
- Module 1. Overview of Potato Production & Variety Development – Susan Otieno
- Module 3. Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM)- Judith Oyoo
- Module 4. Conservation agriculture/climate smart agriculture- Patrick Pwaipwai/ Cecilia Kawira
- Module 5. Seed handling and selection- Miriam Mbiyu
- Module 6. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPS) -Jackson Kilonzi/Judith Oyoo
- Module 7. Pest and Disease Management- Patrick Pwaipwai
- Module 8. Integrated Pest Management and safe use of pesticides- Moses Nyongesa
- Module 9. Post-harvest handling, storage and business planning- John Faida Kelele
- Module 10. Marketing and Value addition options/Techniques- Nancy Ng’ang’a
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