Component 3: Piloting Climate-Smart, Safer Urban Food Systems
This component supports roll-out of Urban Food System pilots in Nairobi City as a major urban cluster and parts of Kajiado, Kiambu, Machakos and Nairobi bordering the city as the peri-urban areas by:
- Development of Urban Market Infrastructure
- Hubs for direct farmer-consumer linkage as well as CIG/FPO linkages with e-commerce platforms and digital aggregators.
- Intensive consumer awareness creation to catalyze demand and value for safer food produce.
- Promotion of Urban Agriculture by mobilizing urban/peri-urban farmers into CIGs/FPOs to support climate-smart commercial urban farming.
- Policy and institutional strengthening for convergence between agriculture and other urban departments
Sub-Component 3.1: Urban and Peri-urban agriculture
This sub-component aims to promote urban and peri-urban agriculture sustainably while creating opportunities for women and youth. This is achieved through the development of a suitability map for urban and peri-urban agriculture, prioritization of cluster areas on agriculture potential and production resources availability, identification of production zones, formation of FPOs to provide farmers with a platform to access credit, inputs and technologies, and training of farmers on production techniques and organic waste management. The sub-component targets 400 farmers undertaking urban agriculture, and 10,000 farmers accessing TIMPs.
Sub-Component 3.2: Urban Market Infrastructure
The sub-component aims to create an efficient and effective market system that benefits farmers and consumers by improving value chain integration, addressing inefficiencies, and upgrading market structures in Nairobi. This is achieved through; conducting an assessment of the market linkages and physical market status for targeted value chains to identify gaps and possible sites for market upgrading, development of farmers' markets and wholesale markets, undertake FPO linkage between the farmers and consumers through TIMPs to reduce postharvest losses and commercialization, refining the market development model, establishment of a food distribution mechanism to strengthen rural-urban refrigerated transport systems. The subcomponent targets linking 52 FPOs to the new markets and 20,000 farmers selling directly to urban markets.
Sub-Component 3.3: Policy and Institutional Strengthening
This sub-component promotes the production of safe, healthy, and nutritious food in urban and peri-urban areas by creating an enabling environment that supports policy and regulatory frameworks. This is achieved by supporting existing policy and regulatory frameworks and developing new policies to support urban agriculture. The implementation of the Nairobi County urban food systems strategy and other policies, strategies and frameworks to address the gaps in the food system will be supported. Some 600 stakeholders are targeted to be trained on various legislations.