Mobile Apps

List of farmer mobile applications
1. Agro-weather System 
2. Control MLN Disease
4. Forages for Dairy Cattle
5. KALRO Avocado Seedling
6. KALRO Avocado Varieties
7. KALRO Cashew Nut
8. KALRO Coconut
9. KALRO Coffee
10.KALRO Dryland Crops
11. KALRO GAPs Application
12. KALRO Garlic Production
13. KALRO GAPS – Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) protocols; banana cassava potato mango sweet potato maize and bean intercrop, maize beans, cowpea, onion, passion fruit, sorghum, avocado and tomato.
14. KALRO GLS Maize Varieties
15. KALRO Gooseberry
16. KALRO Grow and Utilize Quality Napier Grass
17. KALRO Guava Production
18. KALRO How to Make High Quality Maize Silage for Livestock
19. KALRO Indigenous KALRO Chicken
20. KALRO Kenya Agri Observatory Platform (KAOP)
21. KALRO Learn How Rear Dairy Goats
22. KALRO Macadamia Nut
23. KALRO Mango Propagation
24. KALRO Medicated Feed Blocks
26. KALRO New Cassava Varieties
27. KALRO New Cowpea Varieties
28. KALRO Production of Pomegranate
29. KALRO Pyrethrum Seedling
30. KALRO Range Pasture Seed Production
31. KALRO Rice Production Guidelines in East Africa
32. KALRO Services
33. KALRO Simple Hay Production
34. KALRO Spider Flower Production
35. KALRO Sugarcane Production
36. KALRO Tea Seedling
37. KALRO Total Mixed Rations, Muranga
38. KALRO Total Mixed Rations, Kakamega
39. KALRO Total Mixed Rations, Machakos
40. KALRO website
41. Kenya Poultry Consultancy Platform
42. KMFRI Aquaculture Farming
43. Mahindi Bora for Coastal and Lowland Regions
44. Mahindi Bora for Highland Regions
45. Mahindi Bora for Medium Altitudes
46. New Tea Kericho
47. Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) Control
48. Prevent Heavy Metal Contamination in Livestock Production
49. Production of Climate Smart Potato Varieties
50. Stover Handling Technique for Dairy Cattle


Agri. News


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