This project involves the participation of several government ministries, government agencies, the private sector and non-governmental agencies. The basis of this collaboration is based on the expertise each of the partners and collaborators bring to the project.
Partner Ministries
Ministry of Health: The Nutrition Technical Forum (NTF), under the Ministry at the national and county levels will focus on pure nutrition stakeholders for technical consultation.
Ministry of Water Sanitation and Irrigation: To sustainably increase agricultural productivity, profitability and market access of targeted rural communities, the Project will adopt CSA production and sustainable land and water management (SL&WM) practices.
Ministries of Public Service, Gender and Affirmative Action; Youth Affairs, Sports and the Arts; Information, Communications and the Digital Economy; and Labour and Social Protection: Mobilization and registration regulation of community groups is part of the mandate of the Ministry of Public Service, Gender, Senior Citizens and Special Programs, and the Ministry of Labour. Since the self-help groups and the CIGs will require formal registration, these ministries will play a key role in ensuring that groups are properly established and managed. The Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs spearheads the government’s youth development initiatives which will be supported by NAVCDP.
Ministry of Environment and Forestry: The Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s mandate is to protect, conserve and manage the environment and natural resources for socio-economic development.
Ministry of Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs: One of the key mandates of the State Department for Blue Economy and Fisheries under the Ministry is to provide policy, legal and regulatory frameworks for the fisheries industry in the country. NAVCDP will work closely with the Ministry to provide regulations for managing fish in farm ponds and water pans that will be constructed under the Project.
Ministry of Co-Operatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MC &MSME) Development: The MC & MSME has the responsibility of ensuring quality control, including Industrial Standards Development, and Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Buy Kenya Build Kenya policy at the county level. The State Department of Cooperatives is tasked with supervision and oversight over Co-operative Societies.
Ministry of Trade, Investments and Industry: NAVCDP will collaborate with the Ministry to promote industrialization and enterprise development through Industrialization Policy formulation and implementation, implementation of the Industrial Property Rights regime, Private Sector Development Policy and Strategy.
Government Agencies
Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO): The organization is mandated to promote, streamline, coordinate, and regulate research in crops and livestock in Kenya. The institution undertakes agricultural research, development, and packaging of technologies that improve agricultural productivity. The organization through its relevant research institutes, will collaborate with NAVCDP in developing and packaging appropriate crops and livestock Technologies, Innovations and Management Practices (TIMPs) for dissemination to the targeted smallholder farmers and pastoralists.
The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA): NEMA is mandated to provide technical backstopping regarding environmental and safeguards management issues during project implementation. NAVCDP anticipates minor air and water pollution, and limited loss of non-critical animal and plant habitats during the construction phases of civil works in rural infrastructure and agriculture VCs development. Two environmental safeguards will be undertaken: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts (ESS 1), Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources (ESS 6).
Water Resource Authority (WRA): WRA is mandated to undertake water allocation and apportionment, monitoring and assessment of water resources, gathering and publishing information on water resources, receiving and determining water permit applications, regulation and protection of water quality, management and protection of water catchments, water conservation and control, in collaboration with other bodies for better water management, amongst others.
Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service: The Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) is a government parastatal responsible for ensuring the quality of agricultural inputs and produce to prevent adverse impacts on the economy, the environment, and human health.
Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS): The organization will provide technical support to CIGs/VMGs and FPOs undertaking processing and value addition for quality control and assurance.
National Agricultural Research System (NARS) and Consultative Group on International Research (CGIARs): KALRO is mandated to partner as core/lead organization in the administration and management of the adaptive and collaborative research funds on behalf of other National Agricultural Research System (NARS), Consultative Group on International Research (CGIARs) and all other collaborating members.
Private Sector Organizations
Private sector organizations include business partners, Service Providers (SPs/PoEs)/Business
Accelerators, KENAFF and DAT innovators, among others. Areas of collaboration will include learning, training, sharing of information, provision of market and financial linkages, along with research findings.
- Support community institutions and VC development: Business Accelerators and Service Providers
- Business Accelerators (BAs) will be engaged at the national level to provide services at national, regional and county levels as value chain-based experts who will be engaged to provide support to the prioritized VCs and their respective institutions.
- Service Providers (SPs) will be recruited by individual counties to offer services to specific value chains.
- AgTech Providers- These will focus on investments at the national and county levels to enable the farmers to leverage data and digital technologies to enhance their productivity, profitability, and market access.
Non-Governmental Organizations and Community-Based Organizations -Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are high-profile actors in development, both as providers of services to vulnerable individuals and communities and as campaigning policy advocates.