Apiculture is the art and science of beekeeping. Kenya is in the top three (3) in terms of honey and beeswax production in Africa. Annual honey production is about 17 million metric tonnes while annual consumption is about 47 million metric tonnes, implying that Kenya is a net importer of honey. Further, there is potential to produce about 100 million metric tonnes annually, hence the focus on the value chain to lower imports, bridge the demand gap, and open up the export stream for the value chain.
The value chain has a wide range of products with unsatiable market demand. These include, but are not limited to, honey, infused honeys, diverse honey-inclusive diets, beeswax, cosmetic products such as skin care products, biomedical products such as bee venom and propolis, and their diverse products. Bees are also excellent pollinators of crops, and most orchards depend on honey bees for sufficient pollination, a lack of which results in low yields of low quality. Examples include mango, avocado, cashewnuts, coffee, pyrethrum, and many other crops within/out NAVCDP programme.
Honey bees are known to wade off thieves due to fear (rightly so) of bee stings. They also wade off wildlife and can be used to protect people's property. As such, forests and land patches with bee hives hanging on trees scare off tree loggers; hence, bees contribute to the protection of the environment. Stingless bees are also another group of honey-making bees with excellent honey properties and are easier to keep compared with honey bees. They have unique biomedical honey properties that are highly demanded.
Suitability Map
Fig. 1. Map of Kenya and sample sites. Arrows indicate swarming and migration routes of Apis mellifera races (M = A. m. monticola, S = A. m. scutellata, L = A. m. litorea)
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 281–291, 2005 DOI: 10.1079/IJT200588
NB: There is urgent need to do a suitability map for all the bees
1. Book of Value Chain TIMPs with 115 TIMPs. Soon to be published
2. Bee health brochures (8) published by KCSAP
Success Stories
- Partnership between KALRO and ICIPE to build capacity for Kamaki beekeeping cooperative society in Kitui county and 8 beekeepers group in Baringo county through Agrifi EU project (2020-24)
- KALRO supporting 8 groups in Baringo county through Agrifi Eu project (2023-24)
- KALRO supported beekeeper groups in Siaya to develop and enhance their capacity through KCSAP project (2018-22)
- KALRO developed pollination management plan for pigeon peas in Machakos county through KCSAP project (2020-2022)
- KALRO partnered with ICIPE to promote integrated pest and pollinator management plan for pumpkins in Machakos county supported by GIZ (2019-2022)
- Hive research and production workshop established at ABIRI by KCSAP(2022/2023) allowing for quality production and assessment of hives
- Bee health App (nyuki) developed by Directorate of Veterinary Service (DVS) in collaboration with KALRO and South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU) to help mitigate bee pest and disease challenges. It is now available in Play Store free for use. KCSAP (2018-2023).
- Two queen hive developed by SEKU, in collaboration with KALRO, DVS, Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), Egerton University (EU) and National Museums of Kenya (NMK) to increase worker bee population for enhanced honey production and pollination service. KCSAP (2018-2023).
- Ware hive introduced into the country by KEFRI in collaboration with KALRO, DVS, SEKU, NMK and Egerton University (EU) for enhanced micro climate management for bees to enhance their production. KCSAP (2018-2023).
- Bee housing technology developed by NMK in collaboration with KALRO, DVS, KEFRI, EU and SEKU for high potential areas to manage honey theft and prevent bee-human/livestock conflict. KCSAP (2018-2023).
- Integrated bee pasture management plan for high potential area developed by NMK in collaboration with KALRO, DVS, KEFRI, EU and SEKU for high potential areas to enhance all year bee forage for enhanced production. KCSAP (2018-2023).
- Pollination management plan for watermelon developed by KEFRI in collaboration with KALRO, NMK, DVS, EU and SEKU for enhanced quality yield production. KCSAP (2018-2023).
- A trap for prevention and management of waxmoth and hive beetles developed by DVS in collaboration with KALRO, SEKU KEFRI, EU and NMK enhanced all year hive productivity. KCSAP (2018-2023).
- KALRO has developed pollination management plan for various crops over the years
Implementing Institutions
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
National Beekeeping Institute
Directorate of Veterinary Service
National Museums of Kenya
South Eastern Kenya University
Egerton University
Kenya Forestry Research Institute
University of Nairobi
Apiculture Platform of Kenya
Association of Kenyan Entomologists
International Centre for Insect Science and Physiology
Master Trainers
- Richard Kimitei, Deputy Institute Director, ABIRI. He trains on aspects of apiary management
- Daniel Toroitich, Research Scientist, ABIRI. He trains on aspects of hive technology and harvest and post harvesting practices
- Caroline Kimani, Research Scientist, ABIRI. She trains on beekeeping husbandry practices and bee pasture management
- Jimmy Yegon, Research Scientist, ABIRI. He trains on Husbandry practices
- Joseph Mulwa, Research Scientist, ICRC SERICULTURE. Joseph Trains on apiculture services
- Jonah Kinyanjui, Lecturer, National Beekeeping Institute, State Department for Livestock Production, Lenana. Jonah trains on apiculture value addition and nutritional benefits of apiculture prducts
- Dr Nelly Ndung’u, Scientist, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE). She trains on stingless bee
- Joseph Kilonzo, , International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE). He trains on bee colony multiplication
- Dr Mary Guantai-Phytosanitary expert, Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service, JKIA. She trains on Good Beekeeping practices, and mainstreaming food safety in apiculture industry
- Dr Scholastica Wambua, Assistant Director-Agribusiness, KALRO HQ. She trains on apiculture agribusiness and marketing
- Dr Alice Murage, Assistant Director, -Applied Statistics, KALRO HQ. She trains on apiculture policy and regulations
- Dr Jessica Ndubi-Gender expert, KALRO HQ. She trains on gender mainstreaming in apiculture industry
- Dr Monica Maichomo- Institute Director, Veterinary Science Research Institute, Muguga. Gender expert, KALRO HQ. She trains on mainstreaming one health in apiculture industry
- Dr Margaret Makelo-Director Partnerships, KALRO HQ. She trains on Apiculture Innovation Platform
- Mark Otieno-Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development. He trains on the Farmer Field and Business School for Apiculture industry
- Dr Irene Onyango-Bee health Expert, Directorate of Veterinary Science, Kabete. She trains on Bee health and management