KALRO Management

Dr. Eliud K. Kireger, OGW (Director General, KALRO)
Dr. Eliud Kiplimo Kireger is the Director General/CEO of KALRO. Prior to this appointment, he served as the Managing Director/CEO of the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya. Dr. Kireger attained his PhD in Plant Eco-physiology from the University of Wales, (UK), MSc in Genetics and Tree Breeding from the University of Toronto (Canada) and his BSc in Forestry from Moi University (Kenya). He has trained in Conflict Management and Resolution, Strategic Leadership, Company Directorship and Change Management among others. He was appointed member of the board of management of Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), where he chaired the audit committee. 


Dr. Evans D. Ilatsia (BSc, MSc, Dr.sc.agr.) Deputy Director General, Livestock
Dr. Eliud K. KiregerDr. Evans D. Ilatsia holds a Doctorate degree in Animal Breeding and Genetics from the University of Hohenheim, Germany; a Master of Science degree in Animal Breeding; and a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Extension from Egerton University. Prior to this appointment, he served as the Institute Director of the Dairy Research Institute, where he led a team of scientists in implementing over 22 research and development projects. Dr.sc.agr. Ilatsia is an accomplished scientist who has co-authored over 80 research publications, including refereed journal articles, conference papers, technical bulletins, reports, and training manuals, and contributed to various policy documents. He also holds various academic supervisory roles for postgraduate MSc and Ph.D. candidates at local and international universities.
Dr. Felister Wambugha Makini (Deputy Director General [Crops]), KALRO
Dr. Felister Makini holds a BSc in Botany and Chemistry from the University of Nairobi, Kenya and a MSc in Plant Pathology from Georgia State University, USA.  She also has a PhD in Plant Pathology from the University of Greenwich, UK and has done several short courses in various fields. Prior to her current position, she worked as the Deputy Director in charge of the Department of Outreach and Partnerships, a new department in the former Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI). She was responsible for promoting the dissemination and adoption of KARI technologies, products, and services.  She was also responsible for promoting the establishment and strengthening of strategic partnerships along the research development to utilization continuum as well as along the agricultural product value chains (APVC), an approach adopted by then.  Recently together with others she published an operational field guide to innovation platforms as the lead author.
Violet Kirigua (KALRO-KCSAP Coordinator-Crops)
violets scan photo 210x278 1 Ms Kirigua is a Senior Research Officer with expertise in program management and capacity building in food production quality assurance systems. Ms Kirigua has over 15 years’ experience in agricultural research within the horticulture industry, food safety auditing, and marketing of agricultural products. Ms. Kirigua has been involved in the development and implementation of various training programs for TOTs and farmers on standards, mock audits, and good agricultural practices. Ms. Kirigua holds a Masters of Science in Agribusiness—Food Industry Management and Marketing and is a trained auditor for Global GAP.  She has been extensively trained on markets and trade, standards, and food safety. She has published in refereed scientific journals and conference proceedings.
Dr. Elkana Nyambati (KALRO-NAVCDP Assistant Coordinator-Livestock)
He holds a Doctorate degree in Forage Agronomy from University of Florida, USA; a Master of Science degree in Range Science majoring in Ruminant Nutrition from University of Nairobi and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Nairobi. He has served in a number leadership positions in KALRO including coordinating Livestock production research at the Dairy Research institute as deputy Center Director and currently as Assistant Director in charge of Animal production in KALRO. He previously coordinated the Rockefeller Foundation funded 10-year on-farm research project in western Kenya. Currently, He is KALRO-Deputy NAVCDP Coordinator and Livestock Lead. He has published extensively locally and internationally. Member of Animal Production Society of Kenya (APSK), Member of Advisory Committee of the Grassland and Rangeland Society of Kenya (GRASK), and a continuing Committee member of the International Grassland Congress (IGC).

KALRO/NAVCDP Coordination

Dr. Lusike Wasilwa - Director Crops Systems
Dr. Lusike Wasilwa works for Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) as Director Crop Systems. Lusike holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Agriculture from University of Eastern Africa, Baraton; Master of Science (MSc) in Horticulture and doctorate (Ph.D.) in Plant Science from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, US; and a post doctorate from Rutgers University, New Jersey. Dr. Wasilwa has received several career building awards beginning in University of Eastern Africa where she was placed in the Dean’s List of Excellence. She has research experience of over 35 years and has authored or co-authored several publications, scientific articles and technical papers in a wide spectrum of subject matter with emphasis in horticulture, molecular plant pathology and horticulture and industrial crop product value chains. Dr. Lusike Wasilwa works for Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) as Director Crop Systems. Lusike holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Agriculture from University of Eastern Africa, Baraton; Master of Science (MSc) in Horticulture and doctorate (Ph.D.) in Plant Science from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, US; and a post doctorate from Rutgers University, New Jersey.  [more...]
Dr. Kipkemoi Changwony - Director Livestock

Dr. Kipkemoi Changwony is an Animal Nutritionist by training, having worked for the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO, formerly KARI) for the past 33 years, mainly as a research scientist. He obtained his BSc in Animal Production from Egerton University, MAgr in Animal Nutrition from University of Sydney, Australia and  PhD in Animal Nutrition from University of Bonn, Germany. He was Institute Director of the Sheep, Goat and Camel Research Institute since the inception of KALRO to September 2023.  He represents the Director General of KALRO as a Board member of the KEVEVAPI Board of Directors from 2019. Currently, he is serving as the Director, Livestock Systems at KALRO Headquarters. 

Dr. Benjamin Kivuva
Dr. Benjamin Kivuva is a senior scientist who holds a PhD in Plant Breeding from University of Kwa Zulu Natal South Africa; MSc in Agronomy and BSc in Agriculture from University of Nairobi. He is the assistant Director, Crop Production and Seed Systems in Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), Kenya and coordinates crop breeding and seed systems programs in KALRO. He has research experience of over 20 years with interests in breeding climate smart high yielding demand driven crop varieties and equitable timely quality seeds access that meet end users’ preferences. He is also the technical lead for NRF projects under KALRO. Dr Kivuva is widely published including publishing sweetpotato handbook, Sweetpotato varieties catalogue in collaboration with other sweet potato breeders, and over 40 refereed journal publications and conference papers. He participated in presented at many national, regional and international conferences. He was a member the secretariat of the maize taskforce (2019) that came up with a report on how to improve commercial production of maize in Kenya. Dr Kivuva also represented KALRO in the local organizing committee that organised the International Symposium on Tuber and Roots Crops (ISTRC)  in the year 2022 at Safari Park hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. He was part of the team, that developed KALRO Strategic Plan 2023-2027. He is currently a member of the team revising the Seeds and Plant Varieties (Vegetatively Propagated Seeds) Regulations (2023). Dr. Kivuva has participated in the implementation of a number of key projects including; USAID Feed the Future Project, KCSAP, and also worn and implemented proposal grants in Crop insurance, Good Agriculture Crop Advisories, and promotion of production of Cassava and Sweet potato. He has also supervised several Masters and PhD Students in agricultural courses at local universities.
Dr. Erick Mungube - Assistant Director Animal Health
Dr. Erick Mungube is a Veterinary Epidemiologist with 21 years of research experience. He joined KARI in 2002 and later transited to KALRO in 2014. Erick holds Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nairobi, 1997, MSc. Veterinary Epidemiology (Freie Universität Berlin and Addis Ababa University, 2001), and Ph.D. Veterinary Epidemiology and Parasitology (Freie Universität Berlin, 2010). Dr Mungube is interested in research on zoonoses, food safety, antimicrobial resistance, neglected tropical diseases, poultry diseases and dairy diseases. He has published 37 peer-reviewed journal articles and 10 book chapters on mastitis, tsetse flies, trypanosomiasis, gastro-intestinal helminths, fascioliasis and MERScov. Erick is currently the Assistant Director, Animal Health Research Programme at KALRO Headquarters.  He reviews for the Tropical Animal Health and Production journal, the Veterinary Parasitology Journal and for the Research Innovation Fund (RIF) of Makerere University. He has supervised 1 PhD and 6 Masters Students. Erick is also an external examiner at the University of Nairobi, Egerton University, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) Kakamega and Makerere University, Uganda.  He was part of the team, which developed the KALRO Research Policy 2019, KALRO Strategic Plan 2022-2027 and led the team, which developed the Animal Health inventory of technologies, innovations and management practices (TIMPs).
Dr. Florida Maritim - Assistant Director Corporate Communication

Dr. Floridah Maritim holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Communication Studies from Moi University, Kenya (2023) and a Master of Arts Degree in Communication and Media Studies from Maseno University, Kenya (2017). She joined the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) Secretariat as an Assistant Director, Corporate Communications in 2014. Dr. Maritim previously worked as a Public Relations Officer at the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya from 1998 to 2014. Dr Maritim has more than 15 years of vast experience and in-depth knowledge working both with mainstream media and online media, articulating government expectations from research and obligations to the transformation agenda of agriculture enterprise and livelihoods. She develops and coordinates Corporate Communication Policies and Strategies, events management, advocacy and media management in KALRO. In addition, she is the TELA Maize Project Communications and Advocacy Coordinator in Kenya.  She also leads the Bt. Maize outreach and advocacy team, she is also in charge of the Grassland and Rangeland Society of Kenya (GRASK) publicity as well as serving on the Dryland Newsletter editorial team.

Salim Kinyimu - Director, Information & Communication Technology (NAVCDP-ICT)

Champion and team lead in the use of digital technologies to improve farm productivity, market access, and sustainability across the agricultural ecosystem. He spearheads and drives data-driven decision-making to propel the agricultural sector forward by fostering innovation for targeted agricultural intervention to optimize resource utilization, increase yields, and enhance agricultural value chains.

Piloting Digital Climate Advisory Information System for Agriculture from the public sector perspective. Supporting D4Ag actors in public and private by providing High-Performance Computing resources and analytical engines from the established Agricultural Big Data initiative. Through the infrastructure, public and private actors catalyze innovation in the digital agricultural space through access to relevant data and seamless access to the correct and relevant information for use and reuse in giving agricultural insights to smallholder farmers.

Salim is currently the coordinator and spearheading National ICT projects in Agriculture supported by WB, EU, GIZ, and BMGF. Some of the key work done in contribution to the National Digital Transformation Agenda include the implementation of the National Farmer Register; a critical national resource for farmer information including the farm geo points, Agricultural use cases for farm-level intervention in micro climatic pockets (www.kaop.co.ke and www.selector.kalro.org SMS based Climate Advisory System, and a toll-free Kenya Agricultural Call Center (0800721741).


VC Leader

Dr. Muo KASINA - Institute Director (KALRO-ABIRI) and Value Chain Lead Apiculture

Dr Muo Kasina was born into a family of beekeepers. He grew up in beekeeping production and later specialized in the apiculture industry. He has over 40 years of practical beekeeping experience, including about 20 years of expertise development in the industry. Dr Kasina has supervised both PhD and MSc students to completion on aspects of apiculture, trained farmers, provided extension services, and continues to offer advisory services on various topical matters of apiculture. Dr. Kasina is a member of the Apiculture Platform of Kenya and represents research on the executive board of the platform. Dr. Kasina is also the Chairman of the Association of Kenyan Entomologists, which brings together entomologists across the country on matters of insect science and its application. 

Dr. Ruth N. Musila - Center Director KALRO – ICRI – Mwea and Value Chain Lead Rice
Dr. Ruth N. Musila is a plant breeder by training, having worked at the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization for the past 15 years as a research scientist. She obtained her Ph.D in Plant Breeding and Genetics from the University of Kwazulu Natal, African Centre for Crop Improvement, South Africa in 2016 and  her MSc. in Plant Breeding and Genetics, and BSc. Agriculture at the University of Nairobi, Kenya in 2008 and 1997 respectively.  In 2019, she was appointed the Centre Director of KALRO – ICRI – Mwea where she coordinates and leads a team of scientists in implementing rice and fibre crops (cotton, sisal and Jute) research and development projects. Since 2020 she has successfully spearheaded upscaling and commercialization of climate smart rice variety Komboka (IR05N221). Between 2019 and 2022 she was the research liaison officer for the KALRO - KCSAP project in Tana River county. Under the same KCSAP project she coordinated expansion and transformation of KALRO Mwea seeds production and marketing system. Currently under the KALRO - NAVCDP project, she is the cotton value chain leader. 
Dr. Charity Gathambiri (Senior Research Scientist) and Value Chain Lead
Dr. Felister Wambugha Makini Charity Gathambiri is a Senior Research Scientist at the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) with over 20 years of vast experience in project conceptualization, planning, and implementation. She attained her Master of Science degree in 2003 and is currently pursuing a PhD degree in Food Science and Technology (Postharvest Technology), expecting to complete it in 2024. Charity was involved in a project from 2012-2014 whose main objective was to promote the utilization and value addition of legumes in semi-arid and arid areas of Eastern Kenya and to improve the nutritional status of the communities. The project entailed the preparation of training manuals and brochures and farmer training. Several stakeholders, including the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries, food processors, and farmer groups, participated. She coordinated a survey to collect household data in Kirinyaga County under the Agricultural Sector Development Support Project (ASDSP) in 2013. In 2009-2010, Charity was the principal investigator (PI) of a project funded by NACOSTI that involved the dissemination of mango production techniques to value chain actors and linking the farmers to market. She coordinated postharvest horticultural research activities in KARI from 2004 to 2008 under the Kenya Agricultural Productivity Program (KAPP) funded by the World Bank. Charity Gathambiri was involved in the development of TIMPS and training manuals for avocado, tomato, mango, kales and garden pea value chains under the Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Project (KCSAP) and was a master trainer of the same from 2019-2021. From 2018 to 2023, Charity Gathambiri was the principal Principal Investigator (PI) of a project funded by the National Research Fund (NRF) that aimed to validate and disseminate banana value chain technologies in Kenya. She has published scientific papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings.
Peter Alaru Coordinator of the Non-Ruminant Research Program and Indigenous Chicken Value Chain Lead
violets scan photo 210x278 1Peter Alaru is the Value Chain lead and Coordinator of the Non-Ruminant Research Program. He is responsible for the development and implementation of non-ruminant research and commercial programmes at KALRO Naivasha. He has contributed to the success of the design and implementation of two major projects namely; the Long-term Indigenous Chicken Breeding Program in Kenya and the National Indigenous Poultry Improvement Project. 
He worked as the Project Component Coordinator (Indigenous Chicken Value Chain) in the European Union-funded Arid and Semi-Arid Land Agricultural Productivity Research Project until the end of the project and holds the same position in AgriFI Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Productivity Project (CS APP) at KALRO  Naivasha. He is a member of the Animal Production Society of Kenya (APSK), and has authored several articles on chicken and dairy, published in refereed journals, conferences, books, and technical reports.
Naftali Kanegeni - Centre Director at Dairy Research Centre KALRO- Ol Joro Orok and Dairy Value Chain Lead
Naftali Kanegeni is the KALRO dairy value chain lead. He is the Centre Director at Dairy Research Centre KALRO-Ol Joro Orok. His major is in Livestock field. He holds an MSc (Animal science and management, Australia), BSc (Animal production. Kenya) and post graduate diplomas in Dairy technology and farming management (Israel), One Health (Denmark) and several local and international certificates in related livestock and agricultural fields and administration.
Besides research work, he has championed value addition in milk leading to establishment of KALRO cottage industry that process milk products and bottled water. Technology transfer through establishment of a technology field where farmers source pasture and fodder material germplasm and training. Through research with other collaborators, he has established a facility for multiplication of Black soldier fly and training farmers and youth on rearing and formulation of insect-based livestock feeds and biodegradation of organic waste at KALRO- Ol Joro Orok. He is an executive member of Nyandarua County National Environment Management Authority NEMA.
Dr. Janet Obanyi - Center Director and lead Person Pyrethrum Value Chain
Dr. Janet Obanyi is Crop Protectionist by training, having worked for the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute for the past 15 years, mainly as a research scientist. Obtained my MSc in Crop Protection from Egerton University 2016 and PhD in Crop protection from Egerton University 2023. Coordinated Fall Armyworm Project in KALRO Njoro 2018 to 2020 as a head of Department Crop Protection Section. Currently, KALRO- NAVCDP lead Person Pyrethrum Value Chain
Mr. Finyange N. Pole - Value Chain Leader Coconut
Mr. Finyange N. Pole is an agronomist by training, having worked for the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute for the past 35 years, mainly as a Technical Officer and a Research Scientist. He obtained his MSc in Agriculture and Rural Development from the Kenya Methodist University in 2012 and is currently a PhD candidate in Agronomy at Kenyatta University. He is currently the Institute Director of the Industrial Crops Research Institute and the coordinator of the Mango Value Chain nationally. He has worked as a horticulture agronomist in fruits and vegetables as well as in nut crops for many years. He has been a Principal Investigator for a number of projects that include passion fruits funded by Farm Africa, Mango adaptive research funded by the National research fund and the open field tomato adaptive research with funding from Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Project (KCSAP). Currently he is the Value Chain Lead for Cashew nut under the National Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (NAVCDP) with funding from the World Bank.
Dr. Juma Magogo
Dr. Juma Magogo is an Agricultural Economist by training. He joined Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) in February 2020 having transferred services from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries. He obtained his Bsc. (2006) and Msc. (2015) in Agricultural Economics from Egerton University, Kenya and his PhD (2018) in Agricultural Communications and Education from Texas Tech University, USA. His dissertation was on Price Transmission and Integration of African Indigenous Vegetables Markets: The Case of Narok and Kajiado County, Kenya. Dr. Magogo is a Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development (BHEARD) Scholar and licensed Environmental Impact and Audit lead expert. Magogo has had the pleasure to serve as Co-PI for the formulation, testing and dissemination of small-ruminants’ finishing rations for Kenya’s ASAL (AgriFi CS APP); enhancing Galla goat germplasm conservation, multiplication and distribution in Kenya’s rangelands (KCSAP);  optimizing productivity of crop-livestock system in Africa: proper use of nitrogen fixing legumes and livestock manure (KAFACI); and improving smallholder farmers’ incomes through enhanced productivity, post-harvest technologies, value addition and marketing of mango products in Kwale, and Tana-River Counties of Coastal Kenya (NRF) projects. Currently, Magogo is the NAVCDP Mango Value Chain Lead.
Dr. Moses Nyongesa
Dr. Moses Nyongesa holds a PhD in Crop Science from University of Wales (Bangor), UK; MSc in Nematology from Ghent University, Belgium and a BSc in Agriculture from the University of Nairobi. He is a research scientist working for the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) with more than twenty years of research experience on potato. He heads the potato research program in KALRO. Dr. Nyongesa’s research efforts has been towards integrated management strategies for potato diseases. Dr. Nyongesa is currently a council member of the African Potato Association– APA is a regional network of potato and sweetpotato specialists (has served in a similar role during the period 2013-2016). He has had membership on several national taskforces and technical committees. He is currently a member of the team developing the Seeds and Plant Varieties (Vegetatively Propagated Seeds Regulations (2023). Over the last 10 years, Dr. Nyongesa has led the implementation of numerous key projects including: USAID FtF Integrated Agricultural Research for Rural Development Project- FAA #AID-615-F-16-00001 (Potato Research for development value chain continuum); African nightshade for capturing nematodes – using dead end trap crop technology for tackling a new pest (PCN) in East African potato production; Application of DNA-markers for development of drought tolerant potato germplasm; Enhancing the productivity and competitiveness of the potato through development and promotion of improved agronomic technologies and strengthening market linkages; Development and application of post-harvest management technology for horticultural crops; Development of Model villages with increased incomes of small scale farmers through promotion of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) value chain in Kiambu and Nyandarua counties, Kenya; Accelerating the up-scaling of improved potato technologies for food security and increased household incomes; Promotion of Nutrition Sensitive Potato Value chains in East Africa (NuSEPPP); Global Trust Project on Sustainable use of Potato Crop Wild Relatives (CWR) and Development of a Pre-breeding Core Collection with key Climate Change-related Traits; Development and testing of transgenic potato varieties with durable and extreme resistance to late blight in Kenya
Dr. Antony Nyaga
Antony Nyaga is an agronomist by training, having worked for the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute for the past 34 years, mainly as a research scientist. He obtained BSc from the University of Nairobi in 1989. He has several expertise have been trained on “Tissue culture Entrepreneurs” by BCIL India, “Practical Training skills in Horticulture” at Wageningen University Netherlands, “Integrated pest management for plant protection - A genetic approach” (Breeding for resistance) at Kobe University Japan and “Fruit tree-breeding techniques”  at Fruit Tree Research Station in Tsukuba Japan. He has coordinated many Private/Public Sector projects and has wide linkages within the horticultural sector such as NICHE Kenya 126/140, JKUAT, KALRO & FPEAK; PTC/FPEAK/ITC/KARI Kenya Fruit tree commercialization project (NTFII); USAID/KHCP/FPEAK/KARI PF No. 26; among others. He is also an expert for Global Gap QMS and other Quality management systems. He was a Value Chain leader for Macadamia, Garden Peas and Kale under the KCSAP – KALRO World Bank funded Project. Principle investigator under the USAID – KALRO IARDP (Components 3c, 3f, 3g and 3j). He has been an active member of many KALRO and inter-ministerial task forces.
Dr Elijah K. Gichuru - Director of KALRO-Coffee Research Institute and Coffee Value Chain Lead
Dr Elijah K. Gichuru trained in Agriculture with specialization in Plant Pathology, the Institute Director of KALRO-Coffee Research Institute (CRI). He holds BSc, MSc and PhD degrees of The University of Nairobi in Agriculture and Plant Pathology. He has research experience of over 28 years, published numerous papers, conferences and book chapters, mentored and supervised young researchers, Masters and PhD students. He has chaired African Coffee Research Network (ACRN) and contributed in African and international journals. He has participated in numerous national taskforces and committees to develop and implement national policies and strategies. He is responsible for coordination and promotion of research into the coffee value chain, and has developed linkages with research institutions in Kenya and other countries. He has received various research grants and coordinated projects implemented by multidisciplinary and multinational teams funded by various Development Partners including European Union, World Bank, FAO, African Union, SIDA, World Coffee Research (WCR), National research Fund (NRF), among others. He was the coffee value chain leader under Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Project (KCSAP) and the Project manager of the Mt Elgon Landscape Management project funded by by World bank through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).


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