Building Competitive and Sustainable Seed Systems
The NAVCDP envisions a dynamic seed system to enhance productivity. This includes strengthening input supply systems which include; foundation seed production by research institutions, commercial seed production by the both public, private sector and community based seed multiplication. Under Sub-component 1.1: Farmer Capacity Building and E-Voucher support, the project partners with KALRO to further strengthen and expand the existing inventory of TIMPs with emphasis on climate resilience, nutrition, and safer food production practices. These climate smart TIMPs include development of seeds (crops) and breeds (livestock) that are climate resilient and adoption of nutrient rich varieties. Under Sub-component 2.4: Research linkages, technical assistance, and institutional capacity. KALRO is involved in sensitization and awareness creation, demonstrations, training, facilitating access to seeds/seedlings, and input access through agro-dealers, post-harvest management capacity building, and market linkages.