Avocado is an important horticultural export crop in Kenya, comprising approximately 75% of fresh fruit exports. Its production in Kenya is dominated by small-scale farmers who contribute about 80% of the total production. In 2019, Kenya was the leading exporter of avocado fruits in Africa and 6th globally, however it is only 10% of the total production that was exported.
The main varieties grown are Hass, Fuerte, Pinkerton, Puebla and Entigger. In 2019, the area under avocado production increased by 43% while volume increased by 33%. This was attributed to promotion and planting of new orchards in non-traditional areas of the Rift Valley and Western Kenya counties. The leading producing Counties in 2019 were Murang’a (32%) Kiambu (13), Kisii (13%), Bomet (5%) and Nyamira (5%).
Avocado fruits have a great potential in contributing to food, economic and nutritional security in the country. The fruits are a source of income for small holder farmers and also earning the country foreign exchange. Avocado fruits have important nutritional and medicinal properties due to their high oil (12-30 %) and protein (1.5 - 2.5 %) content. They also contain carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals thus can be regarded as health food. Currently avocados are grown at large scale for commercial purposes and have provided opportunities for employment to many skilled and semiskilled laborers working in the agro processing industries.
- Avocado training Manual (J.K. Njuguna/Icraf Agroforestry/KALROI, Avocado Varieties (KALRO HRI),
- Avocado Cultivation (KALRO HRI),
- Avocado Seedling Multiplication mobile app (KALRO), Avocado Production Brochure (KALRO HRI),
- Avocado TIMPs, KALRO,
Master Trainers
- Master trainer and technical lead- Dr. Lusike Wasilwa Director Crop System- Plant Breeder/Pathologist- KALRO Headquarters
- Master trainer and Climate Smart Crop Improvement and Seed Systems technical lead – Dr. Benjamin Kivuva
- Violet Kirigua, (M.Sc.) Horticulturalist and Standards and Market dynamics specialist
- Antony Nyaga (BSc), Agronomist and Seed System Specialist, KALRO-Seed, Value Chain Leader
- Joseph Njuguna Kori, Horticulturalist / Agronomist – KALRO HRI
- Charity Gathambiri (MSc)-Postharvest technology, KALRO-HRI
- Ruth Amata, PhD, Crop Health Specialist (Pathologist)
- Eliud Gatambia (MSc)- Agronomist, KALRO -Sericulture
- Catherine Wanjiru (MSc.) Agronomist – KALRO FCRC Embu
- John Ndungu (PhD)- Agricultural Economist (Marketing), KALRO-HRI
- James Ndambuki, (Bsc) Crop Nutrition and Value Addition Specialist
- Samuel J.N. Muriiuki, Msc. Crop Health (Entomologist)
- John Ndungu (Msc.) Food Safety/ HACCP specialist
- Patrice Kimondiu (Bsc.), Global gap and food safety specialist (FPEAK)
- FFS trainer- Mr. Mark Otieno or Mr. Maina Muchai
- Gender main streaming – Dr. Jessica Ndubi
- Mechanization Specialists – Eng. Nasirembe Wanyonyi/Reuben Ruto/ Susan Maingi