Component 1: Building Producer Capacity for Climate Resilient Stronger Value Chains
This component entails enhancing sustainable productivity, climate-resilient and nutrition-sensitive production, and improved access to credit, inputs, and digital extension services for increased market participation. The component functions via three complementary pathways:
- Farmer Capacity Building & e-voucher Support
- Mobilization/strengthening of CIGs/VMGs for priority value chains, capacity building on TIMPs and group-level micro-investments to demonstrate TIMPs through CDDCs
- Support farmers to access e-vouchers and other services through profiling of beneficiaries and mapping of value chain actors.
- Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) level Climate Smart Value Chain Investments
- Grants for FPO-level investments towards market access and value addition
- Improve the credit-worthiness of CIGs and FPOs
- Provide matching grants to Ward-based SACCOs to build a revolving fund from which CIGs/VMGs will access loans for agricultural investments.
Sub-Component 1.1: Farmer Capacity Building Investments and E-Voucher
The objective of this sub-component is to build smallholder farmer capacity for enhanced climate resilience, improved production and market participation through the following interventions. This is achieved through the following four interventions:
- Strong farmer-level extension and training on climate-smart TIMPs
- Demonstrative micro-project investments to complement climate smart TIMPs training
- Farmer mobilization and technical assistance to support access to e-vouchers
- Small-scale infrastructure investments for primary aggregation and value addition
- Participatory identification of capacity needs for CIGs/VMGs.
Sub-component 1.2: FPO Level Value Chain Investments
This sub-component aims to build farmers’ capacity for aggregation and participation in collective marketing through stronger FPOs. The Project works towards linking every CIG/VMG/IP to an FPO to develop long-term market linkages. About 500 FPOs engaged in agribusiness within the selected VCs will be supported. This objective is achieved through the following:
- Support the federation and affiliation of CIGs/VMGs/IPs to form strong FPOs
- Build the capacity of the FPOs
- Upgrade the VCs.