Knowledge, Information Management and Outreach (KIMO)

The programme has a national mandate to disseminate technologies and innovations generated by Sugar Research Institute (SRI) to the sugar industry in order to enhance their adoption for improved production, productivity and create desirable impacts. Other roles include to: -

  • Enhance the adoption of SRI technologies and innovation (scaling up) and aids in identifying problems associated with production in order to achieve sustainable agricultural development
  • Carry out participatory technology validation and modification on specific climate, soil, farming system or environment condition with farmers in order to match their needs
  • Initiate partnership and collaboration with relevant stakeholders
  • Link research to farmers throughout the sugar industry
  • Carry out studies on extent of adoption surveys of SRI technologies, innovation and their impacts
  • Provide technical backstopping in sugar cane production and related crops in the sugar industry
  • Disseminate information on technologies, innovation and management practices (TIMPS) packages to stakeholders in the sugarcane production zones
  • Develop effective technology dissemination pathways in collaboration with key stakeholders in the sugar industry
  • Facilitate capacity building, exhibition/ shows in the Industry
  • Involve social institution in participatory problem identification and prioritization of the research areas for improved sugar cane productivity
  • Carry out monitoring and evaluation of technology transfer activities and provide feedback to relevant programmes
  • Develop proposals in collaboration with internal and external stakeholders
  • Promote KALRO and SRI visibility in the Sugar Industry

Outreach Centres

There are two outreach centres that facilitates and supports the functions of KIMO
i)  Mumias Sub-centre
It is an outreach sub-centre, located in Mumias West Sub-County in Kakamega County and offers outreach & advisory services to farmers and Industry stakeholders in Western Kenya (Kakamega, Busia, Bungoma, Trans-Nzoia, Siaya, Uasin Gishu and parts of Nandi counties. It also promotes KALRO and SRI visibility in the region.

ii)  Opapo Sub-centre
It is an outreach sub-centre, located in Rongo Sub-County in Migori County and offers outreach & advisory services to farmers and Industry stakeholders in South Nyanza (Migori, Homabay, Narok and parts of Kisii counties.It also promotes KALRO and SRI visibility in the region
iii)  Nyando zone
It iswithin SRI Hq at Kibos and offers outreach & advisory services to farmers and Industry stakeholders in Central Nyanza and Rift valley (Kisumu, Kericho, Vihiga and parts of Nandi counties). It also promotes KALRO and SRI visibility in the region