
The Headquarters of SRI is at Kibos along Kisumu-Miwani road in Kisumu County. SRI has Centres in Kibos (Kisumu County) and Mtwapa (Kilifi County), Opapo (Migori County) and Mumias (Kakamega County). It also has a testing site at Kikoneni (Kwale county).

SRI Headquarters is located 13 km from Kisumu town along the Kisumu-Miwani road. (Latitude: 0.037099 | Longitude: 34.821516 | Altitude: 1200m).  
Mtwapa Centre is within Mtwapa township, 20 km North of Mombasa on the Mombasa- Malindi road, in the same location with the KALRO Industrial Crops Research Institute (Latitude: 3.934537 | Longitude: 39.736532 | Altitude: 30m).

Mumias Centre is within Mumias Township next to the Mumias Law Courts. (Latitude: 0.338828 |Longitude: 34.489993).

Opapo Centre is located 8 km from Rongo Township along the Rongo- Homa Bay road. (Latitude: -0.695391 | Longitude: 34.545815).   

Ag Institute Director 
Sugar Research Institute (SRI)
Kisumu – Miwani Road
P.O. Box 44 - 40100
Kisumu – Kenya
Tel: 254 020 204 7307 / 0735 33 99 12
Email: director.sri@kalro org

Kibos, Opapo, Mumias, Mtwapa, Nyando

SRI, Sugarcane Breeding Centre, Mtwapa
P.O. Box 10275 – 80109
Bamburi – Kenya
Tel:  +254 20 204 7304

SRI, Opapo Centre
P.O. Box 21 -40404
Rongo – Kenya
Tel:  +254 20 204 7314

SRI Mumias Centre
P.O. Box 113 -50102
Mumias - Kenya
Tel:  +254 772641390