Field Days

A Field day is a small show for agricultural best practices of farming. It contrasts with an agricultural show in that a Show focuses on competition and judging, while a field day focuses on equipment, demonstrations and processes. Further, a Show is normally complemented with commercial, industrial and service sector components. The events are good sources of agricultural information, as organizers can arrange for guest speakers to talk on a range of topics.

SRI holds numerous field days in any given year as an important tool for Extension Services for farmers. For ease of access to farmers the Field Days have been grouped into three major zones:

  1. Mumias Zone (Mumias, West Kenya, Nzoia)… View Field Day Events Reports
  2. SONY zone (South Nyanza, Transmara, Ndhiwa)… View Field Day Events Reports
  3. Nyando zone (Chemelil, Soin, Muhoroni, Kibos)… View Field Day Events Reports