The IFAD oversees the Programme on the behalf of the donors, while the State Department for Crop Development is the lead implementing agency. It is assisted by an oversight Programme Steering Committee and the Programme Coordination Unit, with four Offices: Nairobi (National Office) housed by Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), KALRO-Kabete; Kilifi (Coast Regional Office) housed at KALRO-Mtwapa; Embu (Eastern Regional Office) at Siakago and Nakuru (Western Regional Office).
The Programme is being implemented by various partners that include:
- 13 County Governments;
- The Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO);
- Agricultural Market Development Trust (AGMARK);
- Centre for Training and Integrated Research in ASALs Development (CETRAD);
- National Drought Management Authority (NDMA);
- Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD);
- Equity Bank Limited/ Equity Group Foundation;
- Cooperative Bank of Kenya and
- Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC).