The Institute’s main focus is research on livestock diseases. It also addresses aspects related to development and validation of novel livestock vaccines. The Institute is located at Muguga, Kiambu County, about 30 km North of
Nairobi off the Nairobi-Nakuru Highway. It has centres in Alupe and Muguga North.
The Institute’s mandate is to conduct research on livestock disease management for improved level of production and quality of products. The Institute has the following broad objectives:
a) Setting priority research agenda in animal health in the country.
b) Developing technologies that are appropriate to livestock farmers to reduce the ravages of disease.
c) Ensuring the efficient utilisation of the available human and other resources for purposes of research and dissemination of useful and applicable outputs.
d) Ensuring the proper management and implementation of acceptable and planned research activities.
e) Identifying areas of capacity building and conducting appropriate training.
f)Establishing linkages with other research organisations locally and internationally.
g) Strengthening research-extension-farmer linkages for on-farm experiments and feedback on the usefulness or otherwise of our technologies.
h) Assisting KALRO to disseminate knowledge and technologies for wider adoption and impact.
i) Designing commercial initiatives generation for the institute. towards increased
j) Enhancing demand-driven livestock product value-chains.
k) Creating a positive image of KALRO
Institute Director,
Veterinary Research Institute,
P.O. Box 32-00902 Kikuyu, Kenya
Tel. +254-20-2524616/2519769, Tel/fax +254-20-2020512
email:; Website: