Kisii Substation

The substation was established in 1957 by the Department of Agriculture on Land which was acquired from Kisii Farmers Training Centre and Education Department.

 It was handed over to the Coffee Research Foundation in 1964.

 The substation serves as a Coffee Growing Advisory Centre for Central Kisii, Nyamira, Gucha, Bomet, Homabay, Migori, Kuria, Narok and Transmara Districts. It was established mainly to provide sites to investigate problems pertaining to coffee growing under high rainfall and warm conditions.

 Farmers from the above Districts are expected to visit the sub station from time to time to learn how to properly manage their coffee. We also make visits to farmers’ farms to educate them on coffee management and also visits from students, pupils from various schools who come to learn more on coffee farming. The Station has therefore been highly beneficial to coffee growers and in providing information on coffee farming in the locality.

 It comprises of 20.5 Ha. Total area under coffee is 11.79Ha with an average of 25,787 coffee trees, ¾ are under Ruiru 11 and ¼ under traditional varieties. The rest of the Acreage is under buildings, headlands, paths and mulching area, with the senior staff compound occupying 1Ha.


1.        Project 3,4,2.2 developed/improved insect/pest management

2.        Tall Variety Trial

3.        Project Improved CBD Management

4.        Weed management under high rainfall regime

5.        Adaptation Trial