Introduction Housing is necessary to protect chicken against predators, thieves, bad weather and to provide shelter for egg laying and broody hens. Poultry House Photo Available Site selection • Location should be dry and flat • Poorly drained sites should be avoided or alternatively the house can be elevated from the ground • Select a …
Identification and Management of Fall Armyworm in Kenya
Fall armyworm (FAW) [Spodoptera frugiperda] is an insect pest with moths as the adult stage and larvae (caterpillars) as the destructive stage. In Kenya, the pest was first reported in March 2017 in Western Kenya and has since spread countrywide. The pest attacks a wide range of crops but maize and sorghum are the most …
Identification and Management of Fall Armyworm in KenyaRead More
Kenya Agricultural Observatory Platform (KAOP)
KAOP (Kenya Agricultural Advisory Platform) is an integrated online platform that uses geo-data from satellites to generate real-time and location-specific agro- advisories to farmers and other stakeholders. The system is able to predict precipitation and temperature and plot dynamic charts given GPS coordinates of any location in the country for the next Fourteen and provide …