KALRO gives avocado farmers reason to smile with the launch of new mobile app

KALRO Avocado Varieties

They include legume seeds, sweet potato vines, cassava cuttings and brachiaria splits, which are hard to find in local agrovets. Quality seeds are a prerequisite for achieving higher yields

KALRO certified seeds

"Hardy meat goats with potential for milk production. Does can reach 45kgs liveweight and bucks 60kgs. Capable of producing 1 litre of milk per day."

Dairy and Beef farming

Green gram (Vigna radiata) belonging to the Fabaceae family is an annual leguminous crop which is grown for its seeds, which are a high source of nutrients.

Green Gram Production

Camel Research and development in Kenya

For camels there are no organic guidelines and regulation, however the organic principles should be respected, kept and practiced.

KEMFRI Fishery Aquaculture

Aquaculture: Pathway to food security in Kenya...by Andrew Marriott and Odipo Osano


Disseminate climate smart grain amaranth technologies for food, income and nutrition security in Kenya

Grain amaranth (A. hypodriacus), is a pseudo-cereal and has multiple uses as a vegetable, nutrient rich grains, livestock feed and has industrial applications. It is well adapted, hardy, can withstand low soil fertility, early maturing (75-90 days), requires minimal attention and is attacked by few pests and diseases. Once established it can withstand acute drought conditions. Grain amaranth is very nutritious and contains 16-20% protein depending on variety, 5-10% oil, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, vitamins B, C and E and dietary fibre. It contains two times the amount of calcium found in milk and is particularly rich in the amino acid lysine, which is low in cereals like maize and wheat.  Nutritive values of cereals are enriched when blended with amaranth. The cooked grain is up to 90% digestible making it an excellent weaning diet and a recommended food for the elderly and people who have been through a long fast or starvation. It is an immune booster and is good for those with compromised immunity. Production of grain amaranth is still at its infancy in Kenya and the demand outstrips supply making it one of the crops with great commercial potential in the country. Currently, grain amaranth is grown on an estimated 389 Ha producing 2,057 MT of grain valued at about KES 70 million.  Kenya imports nearly 10,000 MT of grain amaranth annually from Uganda and India to meet the shortfall in demand (Kinyanjui personal comm.). This is 80% over the quantities produced in the country. Work under ASAL APRP showed that the main challenge faced by farmers is lack of certified seed, inadequate information on production and management of the crop and poor linkage to markets. A market led approach to production of grain amaranth is expected to play a major role in the success of the sub sector. There is need to empower farmers with grain amaranth farming skills and organise them into collective and marketing groups so that they can take full advantage of the existing market demand for the crop.  Diversification of the market through value added products by the use of simple techniques and technologies can help in solving the marketing problem. Farmers can also be encouraged to venture into contract farming with the buyers. Two varieties of grain amaranth together with agronomic practices and post-harvest technologies were developed during the ASAL APRP and are ready for upscaling. This will be done through public private partnerships between KALRO and relevant partners.  Focal activities will include the following:

  • Production of dissemination materials
  • Promote farmer access to and use of production inputs
  • Quality seed production for the released varieties
  • Enhance input availability and use in the value chain
  • Capacity building on production, management, postharvest management
  • Organize growers into farmer Common Interest Groups (CIGs)
  • Capacity building on collective marketing
  • Linkage of farmers to markets
  • Dissemination of technologies through on-farm trials, demonstrations and field days
  • Establish and operationalise innovation platforms in value chain
  • Enhance value addition and job creation in the product value chain
  • Promote farmer to farmer learning exchange tours


  • Amaranth Factsheets


Video Clips

  • Amaranth Video Clips

Amaranth Varieties

Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.)

Variety Name

Release Name

Owner(s) Licensee

Maintainer and Source

Areas for Optimal Production

Maturity Duration

Yield (T/Ha)

Special Attributes

KAM 114

KAT Gold

KALRO Katumani

KALRO Katumani

20-2400 MASL

Thrives well at 22-35oC

Suitable for a wide range of agro ecological zones including high altitude areas, medium altitudes and low lands

80-100 days


·   Golden seeded, bushy and bears panicles on all branches

·   It is dual purpose and produces both grain and vegetables

·   Early maturing (80-100 days)

·   Relatively drought tolerant (gives reasonable yields even when rainfall is as low as 200mm)

·   Highly nutritious, contains high quality proteins (2%) and particularly rich in amino acid lysine. Contains calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins A, D and B complex.  Has high quality oils (10.4%)

·   Highly digestible

·   Immune booster particularly good for the malnourished and those with low immunity

·   Grain amaranth is blended with other cereals to improve their nutritive qualities

·   Sprouts easily (for amaranth sprouts)

·   Has good popping qualities (popped amaranth is an excellent breakfast cereal)

Katumani white

(KAM 001)

Terere Smart



KALRO Katumani

20-2400 MSAL

Thrives well at 22-35OC

Suitable for a wide range of agro ecological zones including high altitude areas, medium altitudes and low lands

75-90 days


·    The seed colour is whitish cream, making it attractive to processors

·    The main stem is erect and bears a big panicle at the apex

·    Dual purpose (grain and vegetables)

·    Early maturing (75-90 days)

·    Relatively drought tolerant (gives reasonable yields even when the rainfall is a s low as 200mm)

·    Highly nutritious, contains high quality proteins (18.5%) and especially rich in amino acid lysine. Contains calcium, iron, phosphorous and vitamins A, D and B complex.  Has high quality oils (9%)

·    Highly digestible

·    Immune booster, particularly good for the malnourished and those with low immunity

·    Grain amaranth is blended with other cereals to improve their nutritive qualities.

·    Has good popping qualities (popped amaranth is an excellent breakfast cereal).